Own Lane Own Pace

Beautiful people,

I'm having a bit of a "no bullshit" moment, or more elegantly stated, a period of piercing clarity on my direction of energy. As the end of this cycle has brought about quite a bit of pruning -the spring cleaning (subconscious, body, home/physical space, relationships, etc) is well underway. I must remember that this happens to me every year - the making way for new growth and then asking myself if I am calibrated and ready in all the ways for what is to come in. If we are sensitive to great nature - our body/spirit/being demands that we follow her. If I don't follow the organic cycle it catches up with me in a myriad of ways - points of tension, physical sickness, etc. I am grateful this particularly delicate (and so strong) body absolutely requires me to listen at this point on the journey. The next cycle is going to be a beautiful one, and for me, represents being very clear around my own energy in every element of my life. While releasing to create space for new growth is continual - working with the seasonal alchemy is a potent and fertile time to play with it. It's a lovely reminder that the pruning is for a purpose - it holds its' role in the greater context of our lives. It's a lovely time to sit with the heart and spirits' longing on what that growth will feel like in the next phase. What are the people, places, things etc of this next soul cycle? What is the layer of me that I want to connect with the external on? The clearer we get with ourselves on understanding/embodying this the more life will meet us there and we can amplify what we truly desire to be moving from. For me, it is truth and love. When I think of that, my soul gets ignited and I'm a bit more graceful/willing to move through the Spring cleaning. The origin point I'm yearning to move from is the heart (for everything - "work", relationships, etc) - so my pruning, understanding, and integrating is happening there. Where is it for you? I'm truly excited for what is to come - I can feel the energy of it - just making the space so it can drop from the ether all the way down into this embodied physical form. Where there is a lack of embodiment, that is where the "idea" or felt reality is distorted and there is unclear communication in the channel. In order for something new to come in, there has to be the space for it (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually). So as new life comes in and sweeps the the unconscious to the surface - releasing, integration, and deeper embodiment are calling as a gift if we can learn to receive them as such.


I'm not exactly sure where my "monthly themed workshops" for PROCESS STUDIO come from. Sometimes they just drop in in a knowing way that I can't explain where or how it got there - but I just know that I must listen. The "Own Lane Own Pace - An Exploration of Organic Rhythm" workshop this Saturday may have come after seeing the words somewhere random (not random) and I didn't realize how much my psyche needed to understand the meaning of them. As we move into this next cycle, what does it mean to be in our own pace? In our own authenticity and lane? These are intrinsically linked if we are in our own lane it demands a pacing that is unique to our spirit/soul/being/current "work". If we are moving by our own pace then what we are externalizing must be a match for that.

I know we all have different life circumstances, but I do believe learning to honor and reclaim our own rhythm in the ways that we can is a necessity. I am still, after many years of practice/facilitating this "work" , learning what that even is for me. There is still the distortion of a society that prioritizes productivity and a speed that is currently destroying the earth filtering through my system - which saddens me as I have been unconsciously a part of that in many ways in this life. But the sadness acts as a catalyst and great alchemist for learning the nature of this living breathing body at its' root. As we move forward can we reclaim a rhythm that is instinctive and that honors our individual and collective humanity? As we move forward can we have an in depth understanding of the language of the body as the portal back to this?

As one can probably sense, I am into understanding the origin from which all things stem including how we move and how to make movement stem from sustainability. How can our movements honor/mirror the life we are so intimately apart of? Can we become conscious of when we are moving from an origin point that is not our own? Can we break this down into subtle "bite-sized" pieces - the moments when we are "rushing" coffee with a friend for the urgency of "doing more" or when we are not actually present for the body that may be asking us to slow down to allow more life in. These moments, to me, are everything. My greatest fear in life is never truly understanding my Self/soul and not actually being here - what are yours?


As per usual, this message has taken a windy path. But the workshop at PROCESS STUDIO this weekend is a way to offer sacred space to learn our body's signals and how to honor them. There will be a breaking down of templates that were placed upon us as far as "timing" and "how we need to show up". This is not necessarily meaning shifting every life situation - it is a relearning of our context of how we can offer ourselves more fully to the moments that we are in when we are in them. It is relearning how to play time through us - expanding and contracting - at will. We can show up authentically in any "role", "space", or "place". We can soften and surrender to being fully engaged with now. If we are in now, the most efficient use of energy is to play now. And now. and now. Let's set a template for this next phase that actually honors the truth of who we are - because why not move how we were cosmically designed to move? That seems like a grand ole time to me.

The "practicalities" of the workshop that I described above are:

-breaking down of conditioning around pace/authenticity (how we perceive we need to show up, versus how we authentically would show up)

-journaling, self inquiry, group inquiry

-reclaiming our blueprint of "pacing", "rhythm", and "individual expression" for this next cycle

-embodiment practice, hypnosis/visualization to integrate our unique blueprint

It would be a gift to have you if it calls to you! The workshop is exploratory in its' nature as to understand who we are, how we truly desire to move, and what that feels like in our body is an intimate dance that is established through curiosity and direct experience. Thank you for reading. Wishing you a day/season of life of understanding the origin point of each movement and reclaiming it as your own. I've been repeating "Claim Self, Claim the moment - move from there."

Love you all,



Honoring Individual & Collective Evolution


Life as an exploration