Let it be human

Hello human being,

We are in the thick of eclipse season and every one I know is moving through a new beginning, an ending, a transition, a release, a calling forward, or any of the myriad of shades in between. I've personally been feeling a need for deep compassion with the Self who is going through the journey and trying to figure out how to navigate it all. It's been a bit of a messy, very very human, and humbling time. I hope that wherever you are at on your journey you allow your Self to be messy in your discovery of how to evolve. I hope we can all hold each other through the lens of understanding that everyone is moving through something. The more compassion we are able to have with our own complexities, the more we are able to hold that space for others. Whatever you're navigating, wishing you patience with Self and the willingness to journey through the thick of it as a portal to deeper understanding and greater embodiment.


"Eclipses can be intimidating for sure, but this typically stems from our fear of the unknown. Astrologically, they are considered powerful catalysts for change—both individually and at a collective level—as they usher in powerful new beginnings that could sometimes feel too abrupt for our liking. Nevertheless, their spiritual influence is equivalent to divine intervention because these “disruptions” and unexpected shakeups propel us toward our destiny in the long run." -Valerie Mesa


Our practice ultimately sensitizes us to our humanity. The more we clarify our system, the more sensitive we become to the individual and collective shifts, however subtle they may be. Ultimately this can be a blessing if we are able to resource, anchor, ground, and use the "tools"/"practice" to stabilize ourselves amidst great change. The attuning to subtlety means that we will constantly be feeling the planetary shifts, the weather of life, the energy of the moment, and really everything on the micro/macro level. If we are truly here we will be conscious always of what parts of us are currently shedding just as we will be able to feel what parts of us are being called forward. It is brave to say yes to the unknown that is all of life. When we practice saying yes to it and ourselves in this moment, we will build the capacity to say yes to it in the greater context of our lives. In this becoming soup of a process, it is necessary to inhabit our body and tether ourselves by remaining centered - especially when periods of "intensity" (ex: eclipse energy) reminds us that finding and fortifying center within, is and was always the only solid ground. This is where "our practice" becomes the practice of life. In essence, this is what we have been practicing for - to be able to handle it all when it gets reallllllll soupyyyyy.

When the energy is complex, when we are transitioning, when we are letting go, when we are reckoning, when we are evolving - this is the most crucial moment to embody and remember what we practice. Life is an ever evolving earth school that is ultimately a rewarding journey if we can stay centered as we handle the lessons and evolutionary asks of now.

It is a gift, even if it doesn't feel like it some days, to be able to move with the tides of the planet/the cosmos, and the expansion of consciousness. It means we are tuned in to what is and are willing to say yes to it. It helps if have been practicing orienting, grounding, and fortifying our resolve to expand beyond the comfort/previous iteration of ourselves. So if you are feeling the eclipse portal, the unknown, or the shed before stepping in to inhabiting more of your Self - I hope you are able to remember your own strength and the capacity you've built to navigate it all. With the macro understanding that we are all part of this becoming (expansion of consciousness), there can be a joy in taking part of this collective story & narrative thread. There can be a reassurance that what feels so intimate, intense, or personal is actually just reminding us that we are cosmically linked and that it's actually not as personal as we might perceive it to be.

Some questions to ponder during eclipse season:

  1. What is currently leaving/ending (ways of being, relationships, beliefs, etc) in my life?

  2. What is currently being called forward/beginning or being asked of me?

  3. What are the practices, tools, resources, and support I currently need during this time to help me navigate it?

  4. How do I relate to myself amongst change and transition? How would I like to relate to myself?

So to the sensitivity to my own humanity, I say yes. To the messy soup of becoming, I say yes. To navigating it to the best of my ability while learning more of how to do that along the way, I say yes.

I've been repeating this quote by Maya Angelou for the past week, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." We are all here to learn and evolve - there is no getting right, it's just evolving and learning as we go. "Doing better" once we learn how by inhabiting our lives and being willing to go through the journey, especially on the days when it feels messy. Here's to the process, may we be continually willing to be in it with ourselves and all that we are a part of. Here's to the courage of the spirit to keep showing up, even and especially when we don't exactly know how. Here's to being human.

Take care of the heart that feels and reminds us that we are alive,



Recalibration: A New Set Point


Embodiment is Radical